Tsoureki (Greek Easter Bread)

Tsoureki: the easy, delicious recipe for Greek Easter bread

Total time: 5H30

Difficulty: Medium

Serves: 8 people


Incredibly fluffy tsoureki is a tasty Greek Easter bread with an amazing, unique flavor. Baked to a rich golden brown, topped with slivered almonds and hard-boiled red eggs, tsoureki is a braided bread that’s a staple recipe to make over the Easter holiday. Tsoureki’s three braids represent the Holy Trinity.

Mastic and mahleb give tsoureki its phenomenal almost anise-like flavor. Mastic is a type of tree resin that has been used in Greek cuisine since antiquity. Mahleb is a spice that comes from a type of cherry tree. Enjoy your homemade tsoureki with jam or fruit preserves, a drizzle of honey, or some Nutella.

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