Boulettes de courgettes: la savoureuse recette de plat principal pour les boulettes de courgettes à la sauce tomate

Wash and cut the zucchini ends, then cut them into slices.

Step 2
Brown them in a pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil for a few minutes, then cover them with a lid and cook them. Once cooked, turn off the flame and let them cool.

Step 3
In a blender pour the zucchini together with the basil.

Step 4
Squeeze the soaked bread well and add it to the zucchini.

Step 5
Activate the blender and work until the mixture is well blended but still quite raw.

Step 6
Pour the mixture into a bowl, add the breadcrumbs, grated parmesan cheese and mix everything with a spoon.

Step 7
Add the egg, season with salt and pepper.

Step 8
Mix everything together.

Step 9

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